Welcome to Sunny Side Up! Collecting happiness, applauding creativity, and discovering adventures. Join this California girl as I spend my last few days in the sunshine state, and move to the Big Apple. This is a place where inspiration is found in pop culture, fashion, hidden gems, fun times, and good people. Join me while I look on the sunny side of life!

Wednesday, May 18

Lovely Lists-Organize!

"Don't agonize, organize."-Florynce R. Kennedy

Beautifully organized spaces. Photos via Elle Decor

This week's lovely list is inspired by change. It's in the air, drifting in and out of everyone's nostrils. Take a big whiff, because if you embrace it, the good of it will wrap around you like a bear hug. Personally, I have more changes approaching than ever before. With moving three times in three months, and two big adventures, I have a lot to get done. The best way to ensure I welcome these changes with an open mind and open heart is by putting some planning skills to good use.
My Bob's Your Uncle 8-Days-a-Week planner keeps me sane.
  1. Complete my bucket list (with the help of my handy dandy planner).   
  2. Separate clothing and accessories into two categories: summer camp and New York.
  3. Buy rad stationary from Paper Sky to keep in touch while away for the summer.
  4. Collect friends' addresses for snail mail. :)
  5. Decide what books are going to New York, which may be one of the tougher decisions I will have to make.
  6. Set aside a specific space for studying with all my books and notes. 
  7. Get rid of clutter! There are so many unnecessary objects in the kitchen, the bathroom, my bedroom, and to tackle that now will make moving quicker. In turn, this will create more time to spend with people.
  8. Start researching what Ikea and the Container Store have to keep everything organized throughout the moves.
  9. Make reservations for graduation meals and summer flights. Both require planning ahead.
  10. Mediate. Take a deep breathe. Organize the mind to stay grounded. 
As new things swirl around you like a whirlpool, I hope you can find some time to sort everything out and to gain steady footing. Here's to organizing for the sake of peace of mind! 


    1. This post has so many horrific, embarrassing typos. As I know you are someone who cares about your cyber-appearance, I thought you should know.

    2. Thank you for your concern. I always appreciate any help I can get with editing any grammatical or spelling errors.
