Welcome to Sunny Side Up! Collecting happiness, applauding creativity, and discovering adventures. Join this California girl as I spend my last few days in the sunshine state, and move to the Big Apple. This is a place where inspiration is found in pop culture, fashion, hidden gems, fun times, and good people. Join me while I look on the sunny side of life!

Wednesday, May 11

Lovely Lists-Buckets

via countryliving.com
Buckets are generally used to hold some sort of object, whether it be water, soil, or used as decor. I like to fill them with my hopes, use them to sort a next batch of accomplishments. I've been devising a bucket list for my last month leading up to graduation. Fortunately, I've already crossed off food fights, flash mobs singing in a restaurant and having a pillow fight in the quad, and wearing a mustache in an interview. How do you wrap up the last month of the college experience? With a BANG! Well, more like with a series of little pops of happiness...

  1. Line dancing in red cowboy boots after interpretive dancing to the wind machine man's cello tunes at Farmer's Market.
  2. Stargaze on top of Madonna Mountain. Or fly kites there. Or both.
  3. Tell each person in my life here how wonderful they are. Everyone deserves to know how much they're appreciated!
  4. Pretend to be a stereotypical tourist on a campus tour, and employ fanny packs, Hawaiian shirts (fashion faux-pas to the max), and a partner-in-crime. I think an accent and blatantly awkward questions would help complete the process.
  5. Throw a Glee season finale party with costumes, music, and Glee-related snacks.
  6. Play Pretty, Pretty Princess and Scrabble at a local bar. I'd like to see my male friends sport some plastic jewelry, and then to take pictures to show their future significant others how they've found quite the catch.
  7. L.A.R.P. (not sure what this means? See here.) There's a group that meets at a specific park on Saturdays. I would like to join in, even for just a few minutes. 
  8. Clothing swap with my girls. What a better way to refresh your closet than to get rid of a few items you're only going to wear a handful of times throughout the year? Another gal's mediocre emotional investment is another's dream worthy piece.
  9. Document a food tour of the area, complete with great pictures, and create a mini-album. The food in the area is incredible, and to have 
  10. Bar Crawl at 6am...then graduate.
And so the countdown begins: One month. 31 days to accomplish ten fun things. 744 hours to say, "See you later." A small sliver of time to enjoy this place and these people who have defined my idea of home. Cheers to bucket lists and all the spontaneity that may stem from them!

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