Welcome to Sunny Side Up! Collecting happiness, applauding creativity, and discovering adventures. Join this California girl as I spend my last few days in the sunshine state, and move to the Big Apple. This is a place where inspiration is found in pop culture, fashion, hidden gems, fun times, and good people. Join me while I look on the sunny side of life!

Monday, May 16

Giving Thanks

Recently, I received an email that imparted the words of a friend's wise father:
What kind of day are you going to have? 
As you wake, the act of reflecting upon the moments to follow establishes perspective, and ultimately act as a driving force to make fulfilling choices. With that, I responded to the question this morning with this:
I will have a great day filled with love and gratitude
The ups and downs of my past week had been grounded in these two emotions, which has led me much to be thankful for.

  • Thank you to lattes.  I find a moment of relaxation and peace when I sip the foamy espresso, while quietly people watching in the sunshine. Having just fifteen minutes to regroup my thoughts and observe people enjoying their day reenergizes my day. Additionally, I always appreciate my prominent lipstick stain on the mug.

  • Thanks to Farmer's Market for providing incredible fresh produce that's so tasty, I'll eat a just bowl of steamed veggies for lunch. Most especially, thanks to Esther for providing me with roses that continuously bloom for weeks on end. I swear, their fragrance becomes more beautiful and calming each day. 
  • Thank you to the woman at the post office, who offered such a sincere compliment, it added a pep in my step. I only hope I pay it forward as often as possible.
  • Thank you parents and my brother for constantly providing support and unconditional love... and for spending the time to shop online for necessary wedding gifts for a near and dear friend. 
  • Thank you to puppies who provide happiness with each tail wag, sloppy kiss, and big-eyed look, and especially their owners for lettings strangers pet them.  
Epic game of "Anything Goes" Scrabble after Farmer's with new and old friends.  Moments to truly appreciate.
  • Thank you to the new friends who have enriched my life in such a short amount of time. I've learned a great deal these past few weeks from long talks and fun adventures. The amount of strength, diversity, and drive that has been shared continues to be truly inspiring.

  • Thank you to spring cleaning. Some people burn sage. Some create a bonfire. All I know is that I have incredible friends and family who have led me to this point of empowerment, for which I am eternally grateful.  

  • Finally, thanks to peacefulness. While preparing programs for the summer, my dear friend's wedding, and organizing my week, my gaze fell upon a brick with the word "Shalom" etched into it. I've frequented this coffee shop for five whole years, and never once had seen this. Shalom, in Hebrew, has three meanings: hello, goodbye, and peace.  With that, hello new adventures, goodbye fond memories, and may this week bring peace. 

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